Ambassadors for Orchard Lake Mission: To reunite and revitalize the Orchard Lake Schools Ambassadors and Friends of the Polish Seminary, helping donors reconnect and reach out to new members to create a vital group of people who are interested in the well-being of the Orchard Lake Schools. Vision: By pursuing Transparency and responsible management for Orchard Lake Schools, we want to restore the influence of the friends and family of Orchard Lake. Values statement: Be Transparent: How are they spending our money? Be bold, be Holy, Be Catholic: Real Christian Values and Ethics. Respect for Founders and their core vision and values. For more than a century, OLS vowed to be Catholic, American and Polish with the motto “God, Country, Polonia.” Respect for all donors: Why is a small circle of Regents clinging to unchecked power for 10 or more years when each agreed to serve no more than nine straight years? Why is Regent membership information no longer publicly shared? Why is the non-Polish Regents Chairman asking Polish groups why they think Orchard Lake is Polish? |
This Page will also serve as a source of the information for all interested parties on various topics associated with Life of Polonia in USA